February Books

I am on pace (judging by 1 month, bless) to read almost 100 books this year.   That would make a stupid long page of books.   I have decided to make everyone's life easier by listing the books by month on their individual pages.   That said, it will be easy to see if I peter out in June when I am in the throes of baseball season and I spend more days in a hotel than I do home.... But then again, it may give me TONS of time to listen and read books.   So, following will be February, 2019, books. 

Let Justice Roll Down - Finished February 2, 2019.   It is appropriate to finish this at the beginning of Black History Month.   I am changed.  Changed like I was after Just Mercy.   Changed like I was after Evicted.  Changed like after reading 12 Years a Slave.   Changed like when you meet Jesus.  Really meet Him - not just wave across the street at Him.  Church,  White Church, where the hell have you been?   Where the hell are you now?

Essentialism - Finished February 4, 2019.   I want to own this book.   You heard many of the concepts before, "Best yes", "No is a complete sentence.", "Making the Main Thing the Main Thing."   However, I loved how the author walks the reader through with steps and how to apply them in many different avenues of your life.  Its purposeful and I will be adding this book to what my last child reads next year.  The author also gets bonus points for mentioning Malcolm Gladwell. 

Irresistible - Finished February 5, 2019.   This is another profound book that has changed me and one I need to own.    The story of Jesus - the personal story of God's Son, raised from the DEAD - is irresistible.   Not the arguing about how old the earth is.... Not arguing about what we think about the God of the Hebrew scriptures....  The human/Divine Jesus.   Him.   He is Irresistible.   I am going to need something soft on my heart after these past couple days... Something mindless and fictiony.   Thank you Andy Stanley for this book. 

I needed a quick, mindless break....   So, James Patterson it was. 

Alert and Bulls Eye - Finished February 9 and 11, 2019.   I follow the Michael Bennett series....   I am ready to get back to thinking now :)

The Road Back to You - Finished February 13, 2019.   I enjoyed this one much better than the Sacred Enneagram, which I did not finish.   Found this so interesting that even tho he was describing other numbers that did not relate to me, I enjoyed.   And if you are curious - I am an 8 (close 5).  INTJ as well....  Its a good thing I choose to use my power for good and not evil.

The Year of Less - Finished February 15, 2019.   I didnt know this book was a thing when I downloaded from HOOPLA.   It popped up as a recommendation, it seemed up my alley, and had a pretty cover.   I devoured this book.  It was so me.   As in, she did things.  Quests.   Goals.   "Things".  Intentions.   But I think what struck me most, was she would sit with the feelings behind the actions.  She thought about the Why.   And while I can tell you about my "whys", hers seem more substantial, personal.   I just dont want kids in slavery for some crap I buy, and while a beautiful answer, is not personal.   Its A why, but maybe not MY why.   Intentional may be a better word.  I need to sit with my intentions.  Sift through why I do things, why I give up things, why its important to ME.    This little book is also a great boost along my year of no FB, yarn or China.   I am not as intentional in the No China thing as I was a few years ago.   There are other intentions I need to foster and this book is blessed motivation to do the work.   In the link, I have sent you to her personal blog page about the book.   I want her to have the traffic instead of Amazon.   Whatever pittance of traffic I can throw her way.   Thank you, Cait.  Thanks.

Atomic Habits - Finished February 15, 2019.   This is something I have intuitively felt for myself for awhile, but was unable to put into words or a clear plan of action for the past 2 years.   This book is perfection for mapping a path for personal small incremental improvements.   It marries wonderfully with many of the books in my January and February lists.   THANK YOU!   Also checking out his blog as well....

Grit - Finished February 18, 2019.  This book was personally validating.   As a homeschool mom to the last 2, it is also sometimes hard to be a travel ball mom as well.   There is a big movement within the HS community (and without) to let "kids be kids".   Free Range Kids.   I am all for kids being kids, we live on a farm and our kids have done a TON of building, climbing, playing Man Hunter, hiking....   But we also are a travel ball family.   We spend quite a bit of time on the road, and in lessons.   There is judgement.   And seeing all the data of over extended kids does make you second guess what you do.   And lets be clear - we would quit tomorrow if a kid decided it wasnt for them.   We would be gone all weekend, pull up and the first thing the boys did was play ball in the front yard.   This has never been anything we have pushed....   Anyway - this book confirmed what we intuitively felt.   That when passion meets perseverance, good things happen.   Kids who spend time doing what they enjoy, even when its hard, do better in the long run.   We saw the results in our oldest, but never knew if it was something we fostered or if she was just "that first child".   And grit isnt something you learn as a kid or not... This is something adults can foster in themselves.   I want to think I am gritty - Will take her test to see where I can improve.  And thanks to her book, will let myself off the mom guilt wagon as well.   Thank you.

10% Happier - Finished February 21, 2019.   I liked this book.   It didnt seem relevant, but entertaining, and the author made me laugh unexpectedly, so I continued to listen.   Turns out I will read more on meditation and mindfulness and try some of the practice myself.   The author was warm, honest, sharing parts of himself and his life I am sure he would rather most didnt know, but it was honest.   I dont have a criticism save it would have been nice to have a glossary of the Yiddish terms he used as he seemed to assume his readers were all New York Jews or had a parent who was...  I mean.  I have watched all the Sex and the City shows and I picked up on quite a bit, but there were still terms I would have loved to know and not just hagger a guess from context.

The Hate U Give - Finished February 23, 2019.   Excellent.  I just dont know what to say.  So many books recently which make me think, make my heart feel stretched and aching.   Angie Thomas tells the story so well, anything I say here will just be pathetic.   Read this story.   It will make you laugh and cry and think and change.

7 Brief Lessons on Physics - Finished February 26, 2019.   I have previously read this book, but reread when a friend mentioned they were reading something by Tyson.    I intend to read his as well, but brushed up on this one first.   I love physics altho it is entirely out of my wheelhouse.   When I read it, I make connections to literature, logic, Bible, human behavior, philosophy.   It is a HUGE disservice to the sciences that it has been divorced from Philosophy as it seem to be at the present.   This is a very short, easy read that will make you sound instantly smarter when you can basically converse about Quarks, matter, black holes and such.   Light continues to astound me and make me ponder long and deep. 

Astrophysics for People in a Hurry - Finished February 28, 2019.   I enjoyed this very much and he makes it understandable.   He also read his book very well as the enthusiasm was obvious in his telling.   As I stated before, my fave is light, and his chapter telling of infrared light discovery was my favorite. 

I have covered a wide range of topics in this month's readings.   My heart and my head have been stretched, changed, for the better.   I will say Irresistible has been my favorite followed closely by Atomic Habits and The Hate U Give tied for 2.... Both for different reasons. 

Yearly Total:  21


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