Day 2.

So, I am on Day 2....

The FB thing is not as hard as I thought, save the intellectual stimulation I get.   I know, you are thinking, what?  FB is not intellectually stimulating.   Mine is.   My friends read and think.  My friends are engaged politically and socially and spiritually.   They are not all the same and we manage to disagree and have great discussion.   They make me think.  I miss the Thinking.   Twitter is not a good substitute.  Its designed to launch missiles, but not discuss at length.   Instagram is nice, but I am less visual. 

Ashamedly, I am reading more in my Bible - GO YOUVERSION!!   Maybe God is up there going "Duh, Jennifer."   He probably does that a lot - not in an "bless your heart" way, but in the same way when one of my littles would get something and you would be proud at the moment you could see some of what they are becoming.  At least that is the Father in my head and heart.   He roots for me.   He celebrates with me.   He cheers when I get it, regardless of how long it took and He patiently shows me over and over until He does celebrate with me.   He is the perfect Parent.

The EDD is going well - However, I will say, it is hard to be outside when its 20 degrees and cloudy.   Its the clouds that make it so cold.  If it was sunny, it would be easier.   God bless fires and hot coffee.

All that to say, 2019 is just fine so far...    After listening to the book Resilience, I am pulling out my Aristotle.   I want to read what he says about Friendship.  I think may satisfy my wanting to Think.  Ponder.   I will let you know.

Happy 2019, Friends.   Find purpose this year.   Find the Father, if you havent already.  Let me know if you want to talk about Him. 

Love yall.


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