If you have to put "Christ Follower" in your bio for people to know, you are doing it wrong...

 I just finished this book, Wintering by Kathrine May, yesterday.  It was a profound read for me because I have been in my own Winter of late.  This whole World has been in Winter as of late.

I have been turning over in my head a thought I had while reading.  It wasn't a main part of the book, just a description of part of the Service she attended to celebrate St. Lucia's Day.  She told about Lucia and how she wore a candle wreath around her head so she could carry food in both hands and see.   The Priest made the comment "We are all a lit candle."  And the book went on - nothing elaborated on the point.

I had to pull over and voice memo myself that line.

We are all a lit candle.

He was talking to Believers.   Believers are lit candles.

Historically, the Church was known for what they did.   They elevated Women.  They defended the Slave. They pulled babies from the trash heaps.  They went INTO pandemics to care for those left behind.  They fed the poor.   They fed the widows.   They took in the Orphans.  They visited the Prisoner.  They took in, they rescued, they protected, they hid the Persecuted.

It was OBVIOUS who was a Christian.  Because Christians were a LIT CANDLE.  They shone in the Darkness.

I'm done listening to what people say.  I'm entirely over it.  You shouldn't have to tell me what you believe.  Honestly, it should be obvious.

And it is - I see "Christ Follower" the first thing in bios - and then I can scroll down and see it really isn't.  Its the President.  Or its the Country.  I see people being called names, or snide remarks.  Jesus is so wrapped up in the American Flag you cant even see Him under there.  It might as well be a mannequin of Jesus.

God sent His people into slavery IDK how many times - He punished them with famine and plague.  He punished them with Snakes.  His CHOSEN AND SET APART people.  I would love an explanation why America is so special that She would never be brought Low and to Her knees.   Because She isnt.  She isnt so special as to escape Judgement.

So, how about it American Church - how about you show us who you are by your Light.  Prove it.  There is the whole James section about SHOWING your faith.  And maybe SHUT UP for just a bit because the World has tuned out your Clanging Gong because there is no Love in your words.  None.

There was one other "pull over moment" when May wrote "When everything is broken, everything is up for grabs."

Believer - this is your time to Shine.  We are so broken.  We are broken as a Country.  We are broken as a People.  We are broken as the American Church.   What's up for grabs is Eternal.  And honey, America isn't eternal.  Refocus and get your priorities right.


  1. There is a lot of misuse of that phrase and especially in political circles. Seems to me that Christians in t his country really need to repent and lament. However, I don't have a problem with people putting that label on their profile. At the same time, one shouldn't be ashamed to say such.

    Always appreciate your posts and insights.



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