So, this is how it began and where it all begins....

So this is post number 1.   The very first one....   Not ever, mind you, I have blogged before, but the first for this upcoming adventure.    For 2015, I am not going buy anything from a big box or chain store.... I am going to buy local.  I am going to support my friends, my neighbors, local farmers and my tiny - TINY hometown.  I am going to buy Made In America.   I am going to buy from small business owners.    

This wasn't something I just decided last week.   This adventure began several years ago when I read a book by Jen Hatmaker called "7".   Damn her.   That book wrecked me.   That book still wrecks me.  It made me think.  It made me think when I ate only 7 foods for a month.   It got me out of myself when I had to wear only 7 articles of clothes for an entire month.   And it totally wrecked me when I had to give 7 items A DAY away as well as only spend at 7 stores.  Where you buy gas becomes very important, let me tell you....

My choices have consequences.   Every single one.   I knew this.   Intellectually, we all know this, but I didn't feel it.   I didn't understand that to choose one thing, I deny another (economics people).   My choices give life or they don't.   From what I put in my body, what I clothe it with and where I spend my dollars.   Life or....not.

God started to work on me.   It started small.   "You don't really need that"....   "Support a living wage".....   "That was made in a sweatshop"......    Whispers.    And I obeyed.   For the most part.   Because lets be honest, I bought Old Navy flip flops and I bought tank tops from Walmart.   Yes I did.   I just didn't buy that many....

And then He got louder....  "You can do better."    "I am calling you to do more"....   Great....

Listen, I am being honest here - when you feel the Spirit call you to something more, there is anxiety.   You are lying if you jump in whole hearted with no concern of the pain of change.   Because the Spirit always wants change, and its not always pleasant.   The results are magnificent, but not the process...mostly....  So I started with Obedience, maybe not with the best attitude, but attitude comes with obedience....

So here I sit, a mere 10 days away from hard, painful, change....   And I am nervous and am having a hard time seeing how this will work out.   I felt this way when I ate only 7 things for a month too and it worked out just fine and I even lost weight ;)   So, Spirit, lets do this, but be gentle, ok??   Feel free to follow along... Feel free to join me - because, Misery loves Company, right?   Right??


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