Pathetic Title: 2019 Quest Recap

Its pretty much all over for this decade.   Little things to get done - things to clean out, clean up, rest. 

How did I do in my 2019?   I am pretty proud of some accomplishments.   And I fell off the wagon in others.  I had a net gain when everything is evened out.  I hope you found the same. 

*I stayed off FB all year.   And once the FOMO was gone, I enjoyed it very much.   That time exchange was mostly spent puttering, reading, cooking at home.   I am going to give myself 1 day on FB - kind of curious to see my notification number and then I will again stay off for 2020.   I am better without it.   I wager most people would be better without it.   I do miss out on seeing some things from people who live away from me, but there is Insta and email and messages. Any groups I participated in went on fine without me and apparently, I lived without them.   I suggest anyone who feels they give too much time to FB give it up for Lent and see how it is.   It might not be long enough to fully expunge its hold on you, but you may also see that hold and want to break it yourself. 

* I read a ton of books.   TON OF BOOKS.  I also got back into READING books and not just listening although most of these books were audio.   I would double dip at the library and check out both the audio and e-book versions and in the evening, I could read with the family and I finished quite a few books this way.   It was a way I could kill a book in a day.   I also noted that I was out of practice reading.  I found myself itchy to move or do something else.  I had to relearn how to be still and sit with a book and maintain concentration.   Shame on me.   It was a skill I didn't know I had lost. 

* I crocheted with only yarn from my stash.   AND YOU WOULDN'T EVEN KNOW IT.   It might be obscene.   I made just 1 blanket and a ton of potholders.   I need to plan more blankets to kill the stash.  I will continue crocheting with only my own yarn again this year, but I will grant myself 1 day to buy a couple of skeins from Hobby Lobby as they have a few new lines and I would like to try.   Nothing big - maybe $20 worth. 

I did not get outside every day and walk.  I did not read my Bible every day  Better than the year before, but short of what I wanted to do this year.

This upcoming year you see my above quests will continue and as for reading, I intend to do this Challenge .  It is a "Christian" challenge.   But also, if you read the categories, I will fill it with a diverse number of books.   Some Christian (as I read this year), some not.    And lets be honest, I do what I want and if I want to read a book, I am reading that book.  I may alter a list or it may be a bonus.   I easily beat this book list by 50% this year, so there are plenty of empty slots to read what I want and then some.   If you would like to do the same or any part, here is the VTReadingChallenge group on Goodreads.   This link expires in a month, fyi - so if you find this post in June, well, tough.

I know 2019 was hard on many of my friends.   I had hard parts of 2019 as well.   I pray your 2020 is more joy, more rest, more adventure, more everything to feed your heart and less of what broke your heart.   I pray your 2020 is less hard.  I pray you grow, you are more courageous, strong, and giving.  I pray you are more of who you can be proud of at the end of 2020. 

As an aside, You my online friends, I adore.  Just adore.  Mostly because its a meeting of the minds.  Thank you for reading and commenting.   Thank you for sharing tweets and thoughts.   Yall rule.


  1. I always appreciate hearing your insights and of your experiences. Thanks for sharing so much. And, good luck with the reading challenge.

    I've deleted Facebook from my phone and only occasionally login on the computer to see what anyone has sent to me. I've given up on Facebook because of their terrible privacy practices. I've not deleted the account because there are still some connections and groups that use it, but I don't want to use it.

    Happy new year to you!


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